Youda Survivor 2 Guide/Walkthrough
In this game, you will be picking up items left by your animals, pirates, and blown in by the wind. You will be building and/or utilizing machine to make the raw items into products to meet the stated goals. You can (and need) to use magic rituals to meet your goals more easily. There is no money but hearts in this game. Basically hearts work exactly like money, except that when you get down to zero hearts, you will pass out. In addition to keeping your hearts up to stay alive and buying equipment and magic rituals, you will need to keep your hydration levels up. For some reason hydration is nowhere near as important as hearts; I have found that you can play at zero water for quite some time. Now the specifics:
General Game Information
The Animals (in order of appearance)
Purple bird, needs water, gives single eggs, one comes with each waterhole (up to 5)
Goat, needs eggs, gives milk, one comes with each purple bird
Blue bird, needs mushrooms, gives 1 egg and 1 meat,
Yellow-beaked pelicans, needs mushrooms OR corn (will drink all your water if you don't feed them), gives 2 meats OR 3 eggs, comes with each waterhole (up to 3)
Spotted boars, (need water, gives single meat)
Long-nose boars, need corn, 2 meat, three animals max, will drink the water
The Products
Eggs |
5 |
Fried Eggs |
10 |
Omelette |
80 |
Milk |
15 |
Milk Powder |
30 |
Cheese |
60 |
Banana |
18 |
Banana Jelly |
50 |
Banana Juice |
110 |
Banana Colada |
200 |
Meat |
30 |
Steak |
50 |
Meat on Stick |
90 |
Salad |
290 |
White Potion |
550 |
Yellow Potion |
720 |
Mushroom |
10 |
Corn |
8 |
Rum |
20 |
Coconut Oil |
15 |
Water |
7 |
The Machines
Egg Frier |
25, 125, 175, 375, 485 |
Milk powder |
25, 95, 145, 345, 455 |
Cheese |
85, 165, 255, 365, 575 |
Omelette |
155, 295, 435, 605, 785 |
Meat Mincer |
275, 445, 565, 695, 905 |
Meat on Stick |
365, 475, 595, 735, 955 |
Salad |
395, 505 |
Banana Jelly |
115, 265, 385, 525, 755 |
Banana Juice |
195, 315, 445, 595, 835 |
Banana Colada |
255, 375, 505, 685, 905 |
Yellow Potion |
625 |
White Potion |
705 |
The Rituals -
Can upgrade all except Rain and Lightning (or Owl) from 35 seconds to 25 seconds to 15 seconds recovery time.
Rain Ritual (costs 15 hearts)--The Rain Ritual will fill up any empty holes and in daytime levels will provide a new hole each time for up to five total holes.
Magic Tune (costs 30 hearts)--Each animal on the screen will produce and each banana tree (as available) will drop a banana. This is incredibly useful especially to make more hearts as you will almost always bring in more value in products than it costs.
Magnet (10 hearts)--Every item on the screen will be picked up. It will not pick up pirate-specific items or potions. This is very handy but remember it will also pick up the food for the animals.
Lightning (65 hearts)--Zap all the pirates at once. Be sure to click on them once after they freeze so that they will drop their stuff.
Fabric of Time (45 hearts)--Stop timer and stop the pirates in their tracks. When you click on the pirates to remove them, you will not lose any hearts. While time is stopped, you will also not be able to start any new potions. All machines will keep working.
Speed Up (50 hearts)--Use to speed up your machines to super-fast. It seems best to wait until you only need to run one or two machines at once as they are so fast you need to concentrate on just a few machines.
Instant Cooking (70 hearts)--Turns everything on the screen into individual potions.
Some upgrades are required to complete a level. You don't want to spend all of your hearts to upgrade optional items so that you won't run out of hearts. Here is a basic idea of how you might want to spend your hearts for optional upgrades
- Fighting Sword around 1.4.5
Shovel around 2.1
Shelter around 2.3
Shovel around 2.5.1
Magic Tune around 3.1
Miner around 3.1
Sword if you have enough tokens. 4.1
Fabric of time 4.2
Magnet Ritual around 4.3
Storage around 4.4.4
Upgrade your rituals 5.1.3
Shelter around 5.3
Miner around 5.4
Speed Up around 6.2
Water -
My perception is that you can go pretty long with 0 water/hydration. I play without the sound so that I don't need to listen to the alarms.
At the beginning of each level, go ahead and boil up some water to have for later as needed since you might be too busy making other potions.
On daytime levels, Rain will give you an additional waterhole each time--up to 5.
On nighttime level, Rain fills your waterholes.
Pirates will sometimes drop bombs. If you click on the bomb, it will make a crater in the ground for a while. Use Rain and you will now have a new waterhole.
Hearts -
An alarm will sound when you go below 50 hearts.
I recommend not spending hearts unless you have enough hearts for 100 left over for getting pirates and such.
Pirates -
Use the Lightning and Fabric of Time rituals.
The Lightning ritual is so handy that you should only consider using the female character.
I kind of like Lightning better because it saves my clicking finger, but Fabric of Time is especially handy if you need extra time.
Pirates will drop some incredibly useful things at times. Picking up recipes can be crucial to finishing certain levels.
Getting the Gold Time -
If you don't get gold, wait and go back later.
- For one, all upgrades that have been purchased are available.
- Also anytime that you replay a level later on in the game, you will have a 300 heart potion available on your potion table if you are a female.
Siege levels--The trick to winning siege levels is to know what is coming. Either take your own notes as you go or look down at the walkthrough to see the goals. This way you can start working toward your next goal while finish up your current goal.