While I'll be the first to admit, the fairytale concept is getting a bit old lately, I still felt a fondness develop for Living Legends Frozen Beauty.
Maybe it was because they actually did a good job creating a good sister story... the young innocent little sister wanting to give back to the older nurturing one... or maybe it was because the game was just so freaking beautiful.... whatever it is, Living Legends Frozen Beauty certainly captivated our hearts here at CGG.
And, of course, because of that, there was really no question about whether we would create a Living Legends Frozen Beauty Walkthrough. It was just a matter of who would get to write it...

Well after much whining, Erica finally won out, and we're happy to say, she just put the finishing touches on the last chapter and the Living Legends Frozen Beauty Walkthrough is now available for you to consult with.
As usual, she's made sure to include everything you're going to need to complete this wonderfully enchanting hidden object game. And that means tons of custom screenshots, detailed chapter instructions, and quick and easy solutions to the puzzles you'll encounter during your journey.
So whether you need help solving a particularly perplexing puzzle or you just feel better knowing there's always a helping hand if you need it, our Living Legends Walkthrough is here to please!